16 Type Personality Assessment


Concerned and supportive people

You are full of compassion and warmth. You always want to help others.

You are willing to put in the effort to make others happy.

You care for your family and friends. You organize social gatherings and take care of chores to keep them smiling.

You are cheerful and talkative. You always show up for social gatherings when you can.
You are cheerful and attentive, and your presence makes the place cheerful and smooth.

You remember things that others say or do that they may have forgotten, which can be a surprise to them.

You are skilled at building harmonious relationships. You are also good at adjusting to others. But on the other hand, you are not very good at expressing your opinions or leading others.

You love to see, taste, experience, and feel things through all of your senses.

You have a strong sense of responsibility and tend to maintain the status quo.

You always put yourself on the back burner and put others first, often finding yourself falling apart.

What you do for the good of others can go too far and become nosy.

You may have too much concern for others, so try to balance it out by spending some time on yourself as well.

Sometimes you need to let go of other people.

You may also get terribly depressed when your hard work is not appreciated or criticized.

You also tend to value harmony with others and try to avoid confrontation.

But how bleak the world would be without this type of person. Your cheerfulness and attentiveness will make society run smoothly.


You have a strong sense of responsibility and do well in your work, studies and housework.
You are friendly and attentive. It is very helpful to have one in your team.
You put others before yourself.
You are playful and like to experience things. Sometimes goes overboard.
You go to great lengths when you are praised.

Common mistakes

You lose sight of the big picture and don't know what you're in it for.
You sometimes try to control others more than you should.
You take criticism personally and are deeply hurt.

This type of famous people

Sam Walton
Anne Hathaway
Mariah Carey
Celine Dion
Hugh Jackman

16 Types

Take a test

1. ESTJ - Efficient and practical organizers
2. ISTJ - Thorough and responsible administrators
3. ESFJ - Concerned and supportive people
4. ISFJ - Respectful and considerate guardian
5. ESTP - A behaviorist who enjoys now
6. ISTP - Individualist who likes thrill
7. ESFP - Free-spirited and fun-loving people
8. ISFP - Pacifist who wishing harmony
9. ENTJ - Leader of the initiative
10. INTJ - Creative idea man
11. ENTP - Entrepreneur aiming for creation and innovation
12. INTP - Intelligence seekers
13. ENFJ - Engaging and compelling communicators
14. INFJ - Quiet idealist
15. ENFP - Freedom and Curiosity and Optimism
16. INFP - Idiosyncratic dreamers with strong imaginations