16 Type Personality Assessment


Free-spirited and fun-loving people

You are cheerful and active. And you live in the moment.
You love to be with people, you are playful and curious.

You enjoy meeting people, good food, travel, fashion, and many other experiences.

You are experience oriented and value touch, taste and feeling. You also love to sing and dance.

You are basically optimistic and do not plan much.

You often make important decisions based on inspiration or intuition. You make decisions easily and change them easily, often to the annoyance of those around you.

However, you have a warm and friendly personality, and you never get tired of being with others.

You are also actually very attentive and pay attention to small changes in others.
You are tactful and considerate.

You are free-spirited, but you also have common sense and practical skills.

You are also adept at facilitating relationships and resolving conflicts. You have always been able to play this role.

You are always looking for ways to have fun, both at work and at home.
Sometimes you try to have fun at your own expense, and you may regret overdoing it or get tired of it.

You can be thoughtless, so sometimes you overdo it and fail.

You may even take criticism personally and feel depressed. Nevertheless, your strength is that you can quickly come back again with a little praise.

However, you have a tendency to try to deflect attention away from darker topics and inconveniences. You are also susceptible to temptation and can easily get into trouble. You need to be careful in this respect.

You are a genius who lives in the "here and now.
Your attitude teaches you what it means to have fun.


You are cheerful and active. More sensory than theoretical.
You are curious and like to have fun.
You are charming and quick-witted, and everyone likes you.
You are very optimistic.
You are actually sensible and have good practical skills.

Common mistakes

You sometimes focus too much on enjoying life and not fulfilling your responsibilities.
You are susceptible to temptation and get into trouble.
You are too excited and annoy those around you.

This type of famous people

Bill Clinton
Richard Branson
Howard Schultz
Steven Spielberg
Justin Bieber
Katy Perry

16 Types

Take a test

1. ESTJ - Efficient and practical organizers
2. ISTJ - Thorough and responsible administrators
3. ESFJ - Concerned and supportive people
4. ISFJ - Respectful and considerate guardian
5. ESTP - A behaviorist who enjoys now
6. ISTP - Individualist who likes thrill
7. ESFP - Free-spirited and fun-loving people
8. ISFP - Pacifist who wishing harmony
9. ENTJ - Leader of the initiative
10. INTJ - Creative idea man
11. ENTP - Entrepreneur aiming for creation and innovation
12. INTP - Intelligence seekers
13. ENFJ - Engaging and compelling communicators
14. INFJ - Quiet idealist
15. ENFP - Freedom and Curiosity and Optimism
16. INFP - Idiosyncratic dreamers with strong imaginations