16 Type Personality Assessment


Idiosyncratic dreamers with strong imaginations

You are an idealist with a strong sensitivity. You seek harmony of mind.

You have a deep insight into people. You listen intently to those in need, and your heart aches for them as if it were your own.

You are sensitive to the injustices and contradictions in the world. You are concerned about the well-being of others and world peace, and you struggle to make a contribution.

You are not bound by stereotypes and think freely.
You trust in inspiration and are quick to see things for what they are.

However, you are also fanciful and like to develop unrealistic fantasies.

You may have struggled between your ideal worldview and reality.

You are not so much interested in things or money, but in art, new concepts, and other things you believe in.

And you want to express your original concepts in some way.

You like to have a deep connection with a few friends who understand each other. You do not like to socialize on the surface.

You try to keep your distance from people who do not share your values.

You have strong convictions and are adamant in important areas that touch on your ideals and values. However, you usually do not want to impose them on others.

You are not good at organizing and prioritizing. You will sometimes do unnecessary things.

Sometimes you get so wrapped up in your own agenda that you run amok.

And when others criticize you for doing so, it hurts you badly.
It is important to note that when this happens, you may withdraw into your own world and become stubborn.

However, your unique view of the world fascinates people.
This is because it is different and original.

You may struggle with your originality at times. However, there is nothing more unhealthy than everyone being the same.

Cherish the originality you were born with.
It is usually your type of people who create new value.


You are an artist who strives for strong dreams.
You value peace of mind and harmony.
You are curious and playful.
You are more sensitive and original than logic.
You have the insight to see the essence of things that others don't see.

Common mistakes

You take criticism personally and are hurt.
You are too idealistic and easily disappointed.
You are easily attracted to sadness and suffering.

This type of famous people

John Lennon
Johnny Depp
Nicolas Cage
Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Tim Burton

16 Types

1. ESTJ - Efficient and practical organizers
2. ISTJ - Thorough and responsible administrators
3. ESFJ - Concerned and supportive people
4. ISFJ - Respectful and considerate guardian
5. ESTP - A behaviorist who enjoys now
6. ISTP - Individualist who likes thrill
7. ESFP - Free-spirited and fun-loving people
8. ISFP - Pacifist who wishing harmony
9. ENTJ - Leader of the initiative
10. INTJ - Creative idea man
11. ENTP - Entrepreneur aiming for creation and innovation
12. INTP - Intelligence seekers
13. ENFJ - Engaging and compelling communicators
14. INFJ - Quiet idealist
15. ENFP - Freedom and Curiosity and Optimism
16. INFP - Idiosyncratic dreamers with strong imaginations