16 Type Personality Assessment


Quiet idealist

You have high ideals and wish to help others.
And you are responsible, tolerant and compassionate.

You are sensitive and value intuition and inspiration. You have a unique ability to sense the deeper meaning of things, not just the surface.

You are gentle, but you have high ideals and strong convictions, and once you have made a decision, you do not easily waver.

You hate confrontation and violence and fight for love and peace.

While you are firm in your convictions and decisive, you also value harmony and have the utmost respect for human connections and agreements.
Because of this, you are sometimes chosen as a leader by those around you.

However, you are not a person who expresses himself very much. Therefore, rather than leading others, you will often show supportive leadership.

You are also sensitive, delicate, and fragile.
You need to have quiet time alone.

And when you become too convinced that your ideals are right, you can lose sight of the world around you and run headlong.

You need to be careful when you start to show signs of inflexibility, such as being more fussy about principles than necessary.

However, your integrity is very valuable. There is no doubt that you have a positive impact on society.


You are honest and virtuous. A good citizen with high ideals and ethics.
When you see people being oppressed or mistreated, it hurts you terribly.
You are usually humble and gentle, but when trouble comes your way, you are inspired.
You are determined and respected, but you are also sensitive and vulnerable.
You have a strong intuitive and psychic sense and can be a charismatic leader.

Common mistakes

You are so fixated on your ideals that you cannot see what is going on around you and become stubborn.
Your sense of time can be off.
You have a sensitive and fragile side, overreacting to criticism.

This type of famous people

Mahatma Gandhi
Al Pacino
Leo Tolstoy

16 Types

1. ESTJ - Efficient and practical organizers
2. ISTJ - Thorough and responsible administrators
3. ESFJ - Concerned and supportive people
4. ISFJ - Respectful and considerate guardian
5. ESTP - A behaviorist who enjoys now
6. ISTP - Individualist who likes thrill
7. ESFP - Free-spirited and fun-loving people
8. ISFP - Pacifist who wishing harmony
9. ENTJ - Leader of the initiative
10. INTJ - Creative idea man
11. ENTP - Entrepreneur aiming for creation and innovation
12. INTP - Intelligence seekers
13. ENFJ - Engaging and compelling communicators
14. INFJ - Quiet idealist
15. ENFP - Freedom and Curiosity and Optimism
16. INFP - Idiosyncratic dreamers with strong imaginations