16 Type Personality Assessment


A behaviorist who enjoys now

You are curious and active. You always try to enjoy the present moment.

You are daring and adventurous.
And you are sociable and good with people.

You are always active and love to play.
You are eager to take part in anything that looks like fun.

You are always positive and attract the attention of others.

You love physical activity, food and fashion.
You love excitement and surprises.

Conversely, you don't like monotony or gloomy stories and try to deflect from them.

You are also adept at objectively sorting out the facts and finding realistic solutions.
You are efficient at work and do not waste time.

You are tolerant and non-intrusive.

You prefer freedom above all else. You may feel stressed in an environment that forces self-sacrifice and service.

You may surprise others with sudden and unexpected actions.

You may hold too much and everything will be half-hearted. You will also try to solve problems quickly and take haphazard action. These things require attention.

However, this type of person, which is said to be only a few percent of the total, brings a lot of joy and discovery to everyone.
You are a valuable source of inspiration to everyone's daily life.


You are energetic and always in a hurry. You enjoy the present moment to the fullest.
You desire freedom and dislike being bound by rules.
You have a flexible mindset and do not dwell on your failures.
You are open-minded and charming.
You are perceptive and versatile.

Common mistakes

You lack planning and patience, so everything is done half-heartedly.
You try to solve problems quickly and react opportunistically.
You are attracted to expensive and extravagant things and waste a lot of money.

This type of famous people

John F. Kennedy
Winston Churchill
Donald Trump
Ernest Hemingway
Thomas Edison
Taylor Swift

16 Types

Take a test

1. ESTJ - Efficient and practical organizers
2. ISTJ - Thorough and responsible administrators
3. ESFJ - Concerned and supportive people
4. ISFJ - Respectful and considerate guardian
5. ESTP - A behaviorist who enjoys now
6. ISTP - Individualist who likes thrill
7. ESFP - Free-spirited and fun-loving people
8. ISFP - Pacifist who wishing harmony
9. ENTJ - Leader of the initiative
10. INTJ - Creative idea man
11. ENTP - Entrepreneur aiming for creation and innovation
12. INTP - Intelligence seekers
13. ENFJ - Engaging and compelling communicators
14. INFJ - Quiet idealist
15. ENFP - Freedom and Curiosity and Optimism
16. INFP - Idiosyncratic dreamers with strong imaginations